College Bound
Our College Bound Program is a four-year, comprehensive academic enrichment, professional preparation, and leadership development program for ninth grade students who completed the Summer Law Institute. The four-year program is designed to help students build the skills that will ensure their success in college, graduate school, and beyond. Students gain the skills, the knowledge, and the confidence needed to not only successfully gain admission to selective and competitive colleges but to excel once they matriculate.
Interested in applying to College Bound?
Only students who have completed the Summer Law Institute are eligible to apply to College Bound.
For Deadline and Online Forms:
Contact [email protected]
Constitutional Law Debate Program
The Constitutional Law Debate Program is structured to help students enhance their public speaking, reasoning, listening, critical thinking and advocacy skills. Law students and attorneys are invited to serve as guest judges at our debates and to help draft debate fact patterns. Further, we invite any law firm interested in sponsoring a debate to contact us. CLE credit is available.
To volunteer as a coach or judge, visit our Volunteer Page
To sponsor a Debate Competition, email [email protected]
Our Debate Sponsors:
Bloomberg LP
Con Edison
New York Life
Professional Training Program
The Professional Training Program (PTP) consists of a series of workshops designed to equip our freshmen with the soft skills necessary to successfully navigate the professional world. Legal Outreach seeks to partner with firms and companies willing to sponsor one or more of the workshops at their offices or virtually.
To learn more about the PTP and how to become a sponsor/partner, contact Tamika Edwards at 718-752-0222, ext. 202, email Click Here
Professional Exposure Program
The Professional Exposure Program (PEP) consists of a series of workshops that introduce our College Bound sophomores, juniors, and seniors to a variety of career paths and provide them with opportunities to directly engage with professionals in a particular industry. Legal Outreach seeks to partner with companies/organizations willing to host one or more workshops. These workshops typically take place during after school hours on a given day and are generally held at the company’s headquarters if not virtually.
To learn more about the PEP and how to become a sponsor, contact Tamika Edwards at 718-752-0222, ext. 202, email Click Here
Our PEP Sponsors:
Ariel Property Advisors
Bloomberg LP
BNY Mellon
Capital One
Colgate Palmolive
Lument (ORIX Corporation)
National Basketball Association Foundation
National Football League
Red Stone Equity Partners
T. Rowe Price
TD Bank
The Vistria Group
Walden Macht Haran & Williams LLP
Our PEP Partners:
Aaron’s Beard
Columbia Mailman School of Public Health
Federal Reserve Bank
Goldman Sachs
O’Melveny & Myers LLP
Orrick, Herrington, & Sutcliffe LLP
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Mentoring Program
At the beginning of their sophomore year, College Bound students are paired with attorney-mentors who provide them with insight into the legal profession, exposure to social-cultural events and activities throughout New York City, and guidance through high school and life beyond.
Contact Tamika Edwards at 718-752-0222, ext. 202, email Click Here
Summer Internship Program
The Summer Internship Program (SIP) is designed to introduce rising sophomores to work environments where they have the opportunity to engage with professionals in simulated professional exercises. Participating law firms, companies or organizations commit to providing four to eight students with a one-week internship experience between July and August. Legal Outreach works with interested internship partners to organize and implement a program that is challenging, meaningful and inspirational.
To learn more about SIP and how to become a provider, contact Tamika Edwards at 718-752-0222, ext. 202, email Click Here
Our Internship Program Supporters:
American Express A&O Shearman LLP ArentFox Schiff LLP Ariel Property Advisors Brown Rudnick Cadwalader, Wickersham, & Taft LLP Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP Citi Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LLP Consilio Davis, Polk, & Wardwell LLP Deloitte Office of General Counsel Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Honorable George B. Daniels Jones Day Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel LLP Legal Aid Society Linklaters LLP Manhattan Legal Services Morgan Stanley |
Morrison & Foerster LLP Morvillo Abramowitz Grand Iason & Anello LLP New York City Economic Development Corporation NYC Law Department Patterson, Belknap, Webb & Tyler LLP Proskauer Rose LLP Queens Defenders Reed Smith LLP Ropes & Gray LLP Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP Seyfarth Shaw LLP Sidley Austin Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett LLP Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Sullivan & Cromwell LLP The Bronx Defenders Thompson Coburn LLP Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Wafra Inc. |
Academic Advisory
College Bound students work in groups and one-on-one with Legal Outreach academic advisors who support them through the social and academic adjustments and rigors of high school in preparation for college. Advisory workshops focus on building strong study habits, navigating social situations, and building confidence throughout their high school years so students are prepared for the independence and responsibility of college life.
For more information, contact Massiel Ramos, email Click Here
College Access
During their junior and senior years, our College Bound students participate in workshops and classes designed to prepare them to successfully engage in and complete the college application process. The goal is to match students with an appropriate set of colleges based upon their specific needs, interests, and profiles. Students and parents are also provided with assistance in completing financial aid forms.
For more information, contact Bethsheba Cooper, email Click Here
College Level Philosophy Course
To fully understand the expectations of instructors at the collegiate level, rising seniors participate in a College Level Philosophy Course taught by a college professor. Through the course, students enhance their study habits and time management skills, as well as strengthen their ability to write college level essays and perform well on college level exams. Students are graded in the course based upon a mid-term exam, a final exam, and final paper.
For more information, contact Massiel Ramos, email Click Here
College Application Workshops
Working with an advisor, rising seniors start the application process early by developing a list of colleges to which they wish to apply based on their academic performance and aspirations. Students are provided with individualized assistance in writing their personal essays. Over the course of the summer, personal essays are written and rewritten several times in order to develop a clear voice and position. They, along with their parents, are guided through the financial aid process and are taught how to search for scholarship opportunities.
Professional Workforce Entry Program
The “Professional Workforce Entry Program” (PWEP) is designed to help graduating high school seniors secure internships/jobs in their chosen field while in college and after graduation. The purpose of PWEP is to help them acquire the knowledge, develop the skills, and learn the techniques and strategies that will lead to gainful employment in professional fields. Such employment training will close the gaps that often hinder students, even those with outstanding records, from securing professional entry level jobs.
For more information, contact Aiasiah Corbett-Jeudy, email Click Here
Transition to College Workshops
During the second semester of their senior year, students participate in Transition-to-College workshops to enhance their awareness of issues they are likely to face academically, socially, and emotionally while in college; to help them think proactively about ways of addressing issues should they arise; and to prepare them to take advantage of opportunities and resources which a particular college may offer. Classes meet on a weekly basis.
For more information, contact Bethsheba Cooper, email Click Here
Saturday Writing Academy
The Saturday Writing Academy is a four-year writing program designed to prepare students to meet the expectations of their professors at the collegiate level. In each year of the program, there is a different emphasis on the writing process with the ultimate goal being preparation for college level writing
For more information, or to apply to positions available in the Saturday Writing Academy, visit our Employment Opportunities Page or email Dan Bautista, email Click Here
SAT Prep
During the summer before their junior year, students participate in a five-week SAT Prep program to learn strategies and sharpen skills needed to perform at an optimal level on the test.
For more information, or to apply to positions available in the SAT Prep Program, visit our Employment Opportunities Page or email Dan Bautista, email Click Here